Women are eligible for the draft. they are not required for one reason: we have not implemented a draft in over 50 years. Requiring women to sign up for the draft would require a resource outlay that does not make sense when the best thing to do would be to change legislation to STOP requiring it of men.
Could you please share with me who “they” are that have done these studies? Here’s the thing. It doesn't matter the numbers of women who apply. You’ve missed the point.
And alimony. Oh, alimony. You understand why alimony exists, right? Why community property exists, right? It’s because it was unlawful for a woman to control her own finances. Even if she did earn money, she couldn't open a bank account in order to control what happened to it. And I’m not talking about 150 years ago. Women did not have the legal right to open their own bank account in America until the 60s.
So you want to tell me that the woman who got married at 22 and bore four kids and spent her entire life raising those kids while her husband worked should, after divorce, with no earning potential and job experience, be expected to walk away with nothing?