Five Things Not to Assume About the Twice Divorced

Vanessa Torre
5 min readSep 20, 2018

Cut us repeat offenders some slack.

This isn’t how I expected my life to go. I had the same dream for my life that I think most human beings have. I’ll be married, grow old with someone and have loads of grandbabies and live happily ever after.

This has not been reality for me.

People ask questions of divorced people. I’m really not sure why. I don’t mind but sometimes the questions lead to the awkward moment (aka The Awkward Realization) when the questioning party realizes my recent divorce is my second.

Usually this realization is preceded by a question involving my daughter. The answer reveals that my first husband was her dad, not my second. In my experience, this is followed by a few responses based on assumptions people make about the fact that a divorce court judge has pardoned me twice.

Most of the time, I don’t think the people who make these assumptions are being mean spirited. Some of these are just flippant comments.

But, even jokes carry truth. These assumptions are hurtful nonetheless.

So stop it.

We’re Crazy

This is one threw me for a loop. It hit me from a friend and at first I thought…



Vanessa Torre
Vanessa Torre

Written by Vanessa Torre

Top 10 feminist writer. Writing, coaching, and relentlessly hyping women in midilfe. Email:

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