Shannon — There are a few issues that I have with this piece.
First, you are not a clinical psychologist and therefore completely ill-equipped to dole out such advice to people. This is not a personal essay. This is technical writing on a subject on which you have no authority to speak. To do so is a responsible.
Second, this article is absolute, blatant plagiarism. If any editor took two minutes and pass this through a plagiarism filter it would not pass. Because the material that you took is copyrighted and because your resources are not documented, and it is behind a pay wall, it is copyright infringement.
Even if, after reading this comment, you go back and add references and resources to properly credit who actually wrote this piece, it will read as nothing more than a ninth grade social studies paper.
Congratulations. You just took any shred of respect that I even remotely had left for you and obliterated it.