Max. You are focusing solely on physical attributes as a means women use to select partners. This obsession with thinking women are obsessed with your looks needs to stop. The standards to which a man is held are FAR beyond looks.
Read any article about the standards that women are currently holding, that we will not lowered, are attributed to men being decent people.
Also, this is a vast difference between “I have flaws and can’t change them” (i.e., your hair) and “I have flaws, and that's just too bad for you, miss, I refuse to change” (i.e. toxic behaviors, lack of emotional maturity, fear of commitment, etc.).
Being in a relationship with someone who refuses to do necessary personal growth that allows them to contribute in a whole-hearted manner to a relationship is not “loving them for who they are.” It’s enabling. It’s codependence.
Max, you do not read my articles to attempt to understand a woman’s perspective. You come here so you can find a nugget and then tell me I’m wrong based on nothing but a stretch of connection.