Interesting points. So, you mean that the decade I spent married I wasn't supposed to work? I was supposed to be home? I was out working and making money AND taking care of the home. I should sue my exhusband. He did me wrong! I tricked! I should be reimbursed for all of those hours and all of the things that I paid for that he didn't! He should give me money for the car I paid for by working that HE was supposed to buy! I should get back the tens of thousands of dollars I spent on our mortgage! The water bills! The electric bill! Oh, crap! And you said the wealth goes to the children! Crap! I have been putting money in my daughters college fund for 20 years! Can I have that back? I gave her $125 just last week fro groceries! should her dad pay me back?
Yes, this was sarcastic. What you note may have been fine thousands of years ago but does not happen in 21st century Western culture. Women are not property. Women are not below men.