I’m sorry, Allen, but this is LITERALLY the worst advice anyone can give single people, particularly single women, all in one place. What you say here is horribly toxic and a huge reason why so many women (and men) spend their lives unhappy. Let me explain:
#1 — It furthers the narrative that single men are the victim of women with too high expectations. Men complain about being “average” without ever doing a thing to make them NOT average. Being interesting is not a predisposed genetic quality. It’s grown.
#2 — In suggesting people decrease their expectations to find a partner you are clearly communicating that they are not as valuable as what they are seeking. Decreasing our confidence level and accepting less than what we feel we deserve does not end well and end in *checks notes* divorce.
#3 — You are also furthering the trope of the lonely spinster. That’s not a thing. I will not die alone in a room, staring out the window, nor will I walk into a river with my pockets filled with stones. Partnership does not translate into happiness. This is why modern women over 40 enjoy our singlehood.
#4 — The economics of singlehood should not be fixed by being a couple. It should be fixed by normalizing singlehood.