How Much Longer Will Men Be Able to Date Younger Women?
I have some bad news for middle-aged men.
The last man I dated was four and a half years younger than me. I’m 48. He’s 43. This is the biggest age gap I’ve experienced in which I was the older person. However, every man I have dated (meaning we saw each other for a few months) since my divorce has been younger than me save the one who lied to me and I later found out was older.
This is new to me. After my first marriage, every single man I dated was older than me. I was in my early 30s back then and fresh out of a marriage with a man seven years my senior.
Something, clearly has shifted.
It makes sense that the playing field in older/younger relationships is becoming increasingly populated with women dating younger men. The older man/younger woman scenario just doesn’t seem relevant anymore. There are reasons it’s slowly becoming obsolete.
Historical reasons for older men/younger women relationships no longer apply
In the past, men marrying women younger than them was a matter of either convenience or necessity. Fifty years ago women had far fewer job options and those jobs did not particularly pay well. Many women didn’t even work outside of the…