Here’s the difference between happily single women and you not having a cat. Imagine that when you were little you’re games with friends involved cats, the movies you watched you while life were about getting a cat, growing up people told you how to behave so you could have a cat. After college, people asked you when. You were going to get a cat. When you started a job, people asked if you had a cat. People would look on your desk to see if you had a picture of your cat. When you hit 35, people told you that of you didn’t get a cat soon, you were going to end up with a house full of people. A crazy “people” man. All the while, no one ever asked you if you wanted a cat.
The one day, you realize you don’t need a cat to be happy. And you want other people to realize they don’t needs cats to be happy because they still believe they’re miserable without one.
It’s our fucking liberation. We will not stope taking about it.